What are psychometric assessments?

The word ‘psychometric’ has its roots in the Greek words for mental and measurement. Psychometric assessments attempt to objectively measure aspects of an individual’s mental capabilities, preferences or behavioural style.

How are psychometric assessments utilised?

Psychometric testing is most often utilised with the context of recruitment selection. A holistic assessment approach provides employers with a scientific method to make informed employment decisionsExercises and questionnaires are designed to measure cognitive, behavioral and personality constructs, providing the potential employer with role-specific, competency-based information that enables them to objectively compare candidates.  Only registered psychometrists / psychologists who are suitably trained are allowed to administer, interpret and provide feedback on the assessment results.

What is the value of using psychometric assessments for the organisation?

Having the right people in the right positions enhances productivity, harmony, growth and profitability in any organisation. The opposite is equally true. The true cost of replacing employees who do not cope in their roles – or leave the organisation out of dissatisfaction with their jobs and / or work environments – is severe.

Comprehensive psychometric assessments have become essential for employers looking to put the ‘right’ people in the ‘right’ positions. These assessments are fast becoming an indispensable tool for providing effective training, helping managers become more efficient, and ensuring that those people who are promoted, will in fact succeed.

Cut-e, a global test provider, found that “Out of the companies that used psychometric testing, 81% said that they expected to make more reliable and less risky decisions”. (Cut-e, 2016).

Very briefly, the following are key considerations in terms of the benefits:

Objectivity – good psychometric assessments are standardised on a large sample and provide normative data across a wide range of characteristics. As such, they are valid, fair and reliable across contexts and cultures and thus provide a baseline for comparing candidates.

Validity – psychometric assessments are a more valid method of assessment than interviews, academic achievement or reference checks, that when utilised in combination are highly predictive of future job performance.

Cost – the cost of selecting the wrong employee can be extremely high. Psychometric assessments help minimise cost while ensuring there is a good fit between the candidate and the job.

What can I, the candidate, expect on the assessment day?

A trained consultant will greet you when you arrive and give you a formal introduction as to what you can expect during the day. The introduction will include the purpose of the assessments, the length of time it will take to complete, whether a time limit will be involved as well as any other valuable information pertaining to your particular psychometric assessment. Each psychometric assessment will be carefully explained and – for most assessments – you will be given a practice example to work through. During this time, make the most of every opportunity to ask questions or request further information.

Will I receive feedback on my assessment results?

Yes. Feedback to candidates is a standard part of Equip Psychometric Assessment and Development Services’ process. As such, once you have completed a selection assessment and the company has provided you with feedback regarding the outcome of the selection process, you are encouraged to contact a consultant at Equip Psychometric Assessments in order to arrange your individual feedback session.

For development assessments you will be provided with detailed feedback before results are sent to the company. A one-on-one feedback session lasts about 1 hour and will focus on helping you to understand your psychometric assessment results, in order to enhance self-insight with regards to strengths and development areas. It should also provide a framework within which to discuss future career development options and the most effective means of accomplishing personal and professional goals.

Are the assessments accurate?

While no psychometric assessment procedure is perfect, a psychometric assessment tool developed properly and used within the limits for which it was designed will usually have high predictive validity and is therefore accurate. When used for its intended purpose, psychometric assessments result in fewer errors than any other single evaluation procedure.

Will my psychometric assessment results remain confidential?

Whilst you have the right to request that your assessment results remain confidential, it is usually required that you sign a data release consent form. This will allow our consultants to release your assessment data to a designated manager or HR professional within the organisation concerned. Signing this form also implies that you understand the nature of the psychometric assessment process as well as its intended purpose. If you have any further concerns, we will gladly provide you with additional information regarding:

Who will have access to your psychometric assessment results

Where, and for how long your results will be stored

The use of your test results for purposes other than that for which consent has been given



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